Monday, June 10, 2013

Soft Skills/Competencies You Can't Do Without

Indispensable Soft Skills/Competencies

Among all the competencies/skills the ones that are most important for every person are the following:
  1. Goal Setting
  2. Time Management
  3. Managing Anger 
  4. Assertiveness 
Every individual at personal, professional and family level must start with setting up the goals in these respective areas. The goal should be long term goals, medium term goals and short term goals. Obviously each goal must be accomplished within a specified time.

The time element in goal setting then makes you to look at the second competency/skill and that is time management. Time is the most valuable resource with every human being and one should know how to utilize it most prudently.

Almost every goal of yours will involve interactions with people. And so interpersonal relationships play a vital role in your life. Effective interpersonal relations facilitate goal accomplishment. Two most important aspects of any interpersonal relationship are managing your anger and yet being assertive while dealing with the people. 

Therefore it is important that everyone should gain authentic and necessary knowledge in these competencies/skills and put it to practice in the best ways. Effective implementation depends on how well you have picked the threads of these subjects.

We are aware that in their busy schedules most of the people do not find enough time to read the literature/books to gain knowledge even in the most essentials areas of their lives. Therefore we scouted around and found for you some reading material that gives most important knowledge of these subjects in the shortest possible time. We recommend following four books that are part of the "essentials of a subject" series books. We give below the links from where you can obtain these books:

1. Essentials of Goal Setting

eBook in PDF format:
eBook in Kindle format:
Printed book:

2. Essentials of Time Management (Taking Control of Your Life)

eBook in PDF format: Not available now
eBook in Kindle format:
Printed book:

6. Essentials of Anger Management

eBook in PDF format:
eBook in Kindle format:
Printed book:

7. Essentials of Assertive Behavior (Recently Added)

eBook in PDF format:

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