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Games, Exercises, Icebreakers, Warm-ups and Energizers for Training Programs, Workshops, Seminars, Induction Programs, Get Togethers, Parties and Many Other Events
This blog is the gateway and one-stop-shop to the numerous games, exercises, icebreakers and energizers. If you are a trainer, management educator, faculty member, professor, lecturer, teacher, management consultant, organizer or coordinator of any event, you must know these games and exercises. Use of them will definitely increase the effectiveness of your program. They are great training aids or training accessories.
From time to time, we have authored and published a large number of high quality and engaging games and exercises. Here, on this page, we are giving a brief introduction to these games and exercises. Against the names of the games, we are mentioning the topics/occasions where these games can be suitable.
You can visit the URLs (links) given below to know more about these games. The games are described in great details to facilitate the readers to learn the step by step ways of administering the games. and
1. Volleyball
This game is a good energizer and can also be used as an icebreaker. It can be played after the participants of a program (a seminar or a workshop or any other event ) start knowing each other a bit and start registering and remembering the names of their fellow participants. Refer:
2. Zodiac Signs
"Zodiac Signs" could be the very first game you, as a program or workshop leader, can start with for most of your programs/events. It is a good starter for initiating fellowship among the participants of the program who do not know each other prior to this meeting. It is an icebreaker and warm-up game. Refer:
3. Adjectives or Boast as Much as You Can
This game or exercise is an icebreaker. It also helps the facilitator or the program leader to connect himself well with the participants and the participants get introduced to each other in a very creative manner. It is a beautiful introspection tool and a motivator. It can be played at the beginning of any program/event. Refer:
4. Innovative Introductions
In any program or seminar or event, introduction of each participant of the program to program leader and to rest of participants of the program is a great etiquette and an appropriate program kick-off. It is also a pretty decent icebreaker. Here we present to you an innovative way of these much needed introductions. Refer:
5. Observations
How well one observes is the starting point of any improvements. The exercise presented here brings out the level of current observation skills of the individuals in a group and also the average of the observation capabilities of the group as a whole. This exercise is very useful in the programs on self awareness, self-improvement, self-help, enhancing effectiveness/efficiency, change management etc. Refer:
6. Clap
"Clap" is a very simple, yet, a very effective exercise that can be used in any kind of workshop, seminar, training program or conference. It can be used at the beginning of the program and also, throughout the program. The exercise will prove very effective in making your point to the participants in any of your effectiveness improvement or self improvement programs that "you can do it if you wish to do it." Refer:
7. Arrange
This is a beautiful, simple and very participative group exercise or group game. It can be used as a starter or appetizer for any program or can be conducted any time during the program. It is a good energizer and motivator. It can be used by you- the faculty member or the seminar leader- for the programs on intra-group communication, team work, team building and leadership quite gainfully. Refer:
8. Blindfold
This game can be conducted by you, as a program leader or faculty member, for sessions or training programs or workshops on team work, communication, transaction analysis, personality transformation etc. It is quite a participative exercise and very powerful in terms of experiential learning. Refer:
9. Quality Wins
This game can be very effectively used by you- the program leader or faculty member- in the programs or workshops on customer orientation, customer satisfaction, value for money concepts, quality, TQM etc. Refer:
10. Billionaire
This game can be used as a quiz at the beginning of the workshop or training program and also at the end of the program. The game works like a quiz to test the knowledge of the program participants. They also come to know the correct answers to the quiz. It is quite participative and engages the minds of all the participants. Refer:
11. Spotlight
This exercise is a participative exercise and can be used to impress the point that for personal and professional growth and progress, others' feedback of self is important. Or you, as the faculty or program leader, can use it to convey that getting feedback from others is an objective way of knowing one's strengths and weaknesses. You can also connect it with your Johari Window's session if you have planned one in your workshop. This is a very good exercise in any kind of behavioral training. Refer:
12. Self-concept (Self Awareness)
This is a pretty simple exercise to help participants know their own strengths and weaknesses. It is a good exercise for all the behavioral programs or workshops. It assists the audience in self introspection to create self awareness (self-concept). Refer:
13. Perception
This is a very simple and effective participative exercise on "perception". It can be used to emphasize that different persons perceive the same thing differently according to their own specific perspective. It also works as a good energizer and icebreaker. Refer:
14. Sinking Ship
"Sinking Ship" is one of the most effective group exercises. It is quite participative too. This exercise can be used by you as a faculty member or group facilitator or workshop leader for sessions in perception, intra-group communication, listening, group process, team work, decision making, consensus building, team work and team building. Refer:
15. Pass the Message
This group exercise can be used to explain the communication process, speaking effectiveness, listening effectiveness, perception, noise, distortion in communication, loss in communication, need for dialogue and feedback etc. Refer:
16. Compare Green and Table
"Compare Green and Table" is a group exercise. It is very participative. It can be used in the sessions on creativity, creative thinking, lateral thinking, out of box thinking etc. It is also a very good energizer and a fun thing. Refer:
17. Program Certificate
This game or exercise can be administered by you as the workshop or program leader towards the end of the workshop/event. It's fun for everyone who attended the program to take home some memories of the program. It's like getting a certificate of having successfully attended the program. It can prove to be a great finale to your workshop. Refer:
18. Race
"Race" is great team work and team building game. It involves the need for intra-group communication, transaction analysis, strategy formulation, leadership, motivation and all the possible aspects of team work and team building. It's a fun group game with lots of participation and is bound to work like an icebreaker, energizer and motivator. It provides a rich experiential learning. Refer:
19. Win as Much as You Can (Organizational Dilemma)
This game called "Win as Much as You Can" or "Organizational Dilemma" is highly suited for the sessions on intra-group and inter-group communication, team work, team building, win-win approach and strategies. You as the program or workshop leader or facilitator can generate lots enthusiasm and intelligent experiential learning among the participants. Refer:
20. Around the World
The game "Around the World" is a beautiful group game. Therefore it is highly participative. It can be played in-door as well as out-door. It is best suited as icebreaker, energizer and quite apt for sessions on intra-group communication, consensus building, decision making, strategizing, team work and team building. Refer:
21. Draw a Picture
You are the program or workshop leader and you wish the participants to have experiential learning on concepts like precision and clarity in communication, need for feedback and dialogue in communication, attentive or active listening etc. Then you can use this exercise called "Draw a Picture" with lot of advantage. This exercise also works as a good icebreaker and energizer. Refer:
22. Air Crash
"Air Crash" is a highly loaded exercise. It is very participative and is conducted as a group exercise. It also proves to be a good energizer and motivator. The exercise can be used for many purposes by a mature program leader. Refer:
23. The Counters
Objective of "The Counters" game (in the form of role play) is to simulate the conditions of an organization or simulate the conditions of the market place and help participants of the workshop or the seminar realize as to what happens in the organization or in the market place in terms of intra-group communication, inter-group communication, leader-follower relationship and its impact on mutual trust building, information sharing and its impact on results, why information sharing is so critical, the types of approaches one takes with reference to others to transact business and their impact on it, types of negotiations and necessity for win-win approach to maximize the gains of everyone concerned. This role play also allows participants to use their selling skills in the best possible ways. It is a highly participative game and also acts as a good energizer. Refer:
24. Maximize Your Profit
This game "Maximize Your Profit" is the simulation of a manufacturing and selling organization. The game encompasses the reflection on almost all the management functions. It deals with strategy selection, deciding upon the product portfolio or product mix, capital management, production management inclusive of productivity improvement, cost management, inventory control, quality management and profitability planning. Refer:
25. Building Blocks
"Building Blocks" is an effective group and participative game. It can be used in the sessions on observation skills, memory effectiveness, leadership, followership, communication, giving effective instructions, motivation, time management, team work and team building. The game is also a good energizer and icebreaker. Refer:
26. Shapes
The management exercise "Shapes" is recommended as an effective exercise for sessions on strategy formulation, communication, giving and following instructions, leadership, motivation, team work and team building. It also works as an effective energizer and icebreaker. Refer:
28. Assemble a Story
It is a seemingly very simple yet pretty loaded individual and group management exercise. It can be used by you as a program facilitator or workshop leader as an icebreaker and particularly for your sessions on creativity, creative thinking, leadership, team work and team building. Refer:
29. Closing the Store
It’s a beautifully simple yet very impactful exercise. As a workshop facilitator or program leader, you can use this exercise in your sessions on communication and communication process to emphasize the need for absolute clarity of communication- an ambiguous communication can be severally interpreted by different people in the audience and can kill effective implementation of any plan in any organization or society. Refer:
30. Flying Airplanes
This game is basically a fun game and acts as an icebreaker and warm-up session (energizer) of your training program, workshop or seminar or any other event. This is apt for a situation when participants of an event are strangers to each other or know each other just slightly; they do not know each other’s names and other details. The game helps them to get introduced to each other at the beginning of the program. Refer:
31. Rewards and Punishment
Rewards and punishment are time tested methods of motivating people. Every program/seminar leader or workshop facilitator wishes to maintain a high degree of motivation and enthusiasm among his participants. So if you, as a program leader, also wish to create such an environment of interest in the seminar hall, you can use "Rewards and Punishment". "Rewards and Punishment" is a good motivator, energizer and icebreaker. Refer:
32. Negotiate and Sell
This exercise is in the form of a role play. This role play can be used by you as the workshop facilitator or program leader of sessions on sales management, selling skills and negotiations. It is a group exercise. Refer:
33. Link in a Chain
It is a very simple yet very effective exercise or game. It is a group or participative exercise. You as a program leader or workshop facilitator can use it for your sessions on supply chain management, cross functional process management, internal and external customer care, link in a chain concept, team work, team building, leadership and motivation. It is also a good warm up game, an icebreaker and an energizer. Refer:
34. Be Quick (Productivity and Creativity in action)
It is a very simple yet very effective exercise or game. It is a group or participative exercise. You as a program leader or workshop facilitator can use it for your sessions on productivity, work study, method study, work measurement, business process reengineering (BPR), creativity, innovation, layout planning, team work, team building, leadership and motivation. It is also a good warm up game, an icebreaker and an energizer. Refer:
35. Tag the Emotion
"Tag the emotion" is an appropriate game with a flavor of a role play and group participation. Yet, it is also an individual exercise. This can be best used by you as a program leader or workshop facilitator in your sessions on emotional intelligence (EQ), body language and transaction analysis (TA). Refer:
36. 5S Housekeeping Exercise: Seiri and Seiton
This 5S housekeeping exercise is to give the first hand practical experience of importance of the first two steps of the famous Japanese 5S housekeeping system. These first two steps are: Seiri (sorting out and discarding the unnecessary) and Seiton (systematic arrangement- a place of everything and everything in it’s place). Refer:
37. How Well Do You Communicate?
This exercise tests the communication abilities of the participants in the training programs on topics like "communication", "effective speaking", "effective listening" and "team work". The exercise tests the speaking, explaining, discussing, feedback and listening capabilities of the people. Refer:
38. Ego States in Action
If you are a trainer or a workshop coordinator of programs or seminars on "transaction analysis (TA)" and more specifically on "ego states", this is the exercise or role play you can use very effectively in your workshops or seminars. This exercise also works as an icebreaker in many situations. This can invoke a tremendous participation from the audience if carried out effectively. Refer:
39. Clutter Clutter Everywhere
It is a very simple yet very effective exercise to show that bad housekeeping can literally make you illiterate, ineffective and inefficient. The clutter can simply overwhelm anyone to the extent that one can go wrong every time he wishes to work in that cluttered workplace to find a correct solution. This exercise is a fun exercise and will also work as an icebreaker and energizer. Refer:
40. Psychological Strokes
This exercise is in the form of a role play and is capable of arousing a lot of interest and fun amongst your audience in your workshop or seminar on the topics like "psychological strokes", "positive strokes", "transaction analysis", motivation", "leadership" etc. So, it may work as an energizer too. Refer:
41. Paper Boats
Making "Paper Boats" is wholesome game or exercise. You as a faculty or seminar leader or workshop coordinator can use it in sessions on many topics like strategy management, quality management, leadership, communication, motivation, team building, team work and time management etc. The game simulates an organizational environment where ultimately you have to provide better value to the customer and earn more profits. "Paper Boats" can also work as a motivator and energizer for your seminar. Refer:
42. Many Cooks Need Not Spoil the Broth
As a trainer, workshop coordinator or seminar leader, you can use this exercise to emphasize several aspects like: "many brains are better than one", "effective group process", "conflict resolution", "team work/team building", "synergy" etc. The exercise brings in excitement and enthusiasm and thus it is an energizer too. Refer:
43. Do Not Forget to Renew
This exercise is apt for explaining many concepts. As a program coordinator or workshop leader, you can use it in your sessions on illustrating difference between effectiveness and efficiency, establishing the need for building up production capability of resources, sorting out the dilemma in prioritizing various activities, need for renewal or rejuvenation to lead a stress free life etc. Refer:
44. Important, Urgent and Unimportant
This particular exercise can be done in the form of a demonstration by you as the program coordinator or workshop leader with the help of a volunteer from the program participants and other participants being the keen observers. This exercise can be very successfully used in your sessions on time management and to explain the concept and model for prioritization of the tasks. Refer:
45. Participative Quiz
As a trainer or workshop or seminar conductor you may feel the need to carry out the recap of the learnings by the participants of your program. You may also feel like warming up or energizing the group when you are part way through the course. "Participative Quiz" is an effective participative exercise for revising or recapitulating the course content and energizing the group by involving them. Refer:
46. Move the Wall
As a workshop leader or seminar faculty, you can use this exercise "Move the Wall" to invoke a thought among the participants of your program to help them to differentiate between the "area of concern" and the "area of influence". This topic will relate to your sessions on personality development, proactiveness, self or internal motivation, how to become more effective etc. This exercise is a very effective energizer and icebreaker also. Refer:
47. Follow the Instructions
This is a real fun exercise that can be used by you as the seminar or workshop leader in your programs on communication, communication skills, pitfalls of communication etc. This exercise is an excellent icebreaker and energizer. Refer:
48. Alphabetic Introspection
As a program coordinator or workshop leader, you can use this exercise for your sessions on personality development, improving internal motivation, inculcating wellness, enhancing personal and professional effectiveness, becoming a winner etc. You can use this exercise as a starter or appetizer of your program as a warm-up or energizing exercise or as an icebreaker. Refer:
49. Run Your Company
As a faculty or a seminar leader, you can use this game for bit longish type of seminars spanning at least for two or more than two days. It is definitely very useful for the management courses that run for over few weeks or few months. This exercise is also a great energizer or motivator for the participants. Refer:
50. Treasure Hunt
If as a faculty or as a workshop or seminar leader, you are conducting the sessions on team work, team building, consensus building, creativity, time management etc you can use "Treasure Hunt" with advantage. It is also a good exercise to check the knowledge assimilation level of the participants on the topics that you have imparted them through your program. You can also administer this game for the new recruits in an organization to check up their understanding level about the organization they joined. Refer:
51. Introductions by Way of Mutual Interests and Tastes
You as a trainer or workshop/seminar coordinator can use this exercise for the introduction of participants with each other in a very interesting manner. The exercise can be conducted by you at the beginning of your seminar or workshop. It is a very effective icebreaker. It is a participative exercise. Refer:
52. Creative Numbers
If you are conducting a seminar or workshop on "creativity" or "creativity and innovation", you can use this exercise with benefits. It involves solving a few brain teasers involving some numbers. It allows participants to brainstorm. The exercise can be taken up individually by the participants or they can also do it in small groups. This also serves as an excellent energizer particularly after the lunch break. It is a also a very effective icebreaker. Refer:
53. Handshakes and Laughs
This is an excellent fun game and can be administered to a normal group size of 20 to 25 participants as well as to an even larger group. It is a great icebreaker and energizer. You as a workshop or seminar leader/coordinator can use it at the beginning of your program. It is a highly participative game or exercise. It is one good way for mutual introductions and fellowship. Refer:
54. Change One Word
This exercise is a kind of fun game for achieving the serious objective of review or recap of the workshop or seminar. You, as the program leader or coordinator, can use it gainfully towards the end of the entire program or even at the end of some of the important sessions of the program when you wish to check the level of understanding of the sessions by the participants. The exercise makes an individual sit up and work seriously and then contribute towards the group effort. Therefore, it is an individual as well as group exercise. It is a good motivator and energizer. Refer:
56. Hot Hat or Hot Basket
"Passing the Hat" is an intelligent game/exercise that you as the program coordinator or workshop leader can use for review of your entire program at the end of the program or you can also use it at the end of every session/module of your workshop or seminar. Through such review method, you can check out the extent of learning by the participants of the topic(s) under review by giving the participants active role and responsibility in the review sessions. This game also facilitates the recap of the entire program or any particular session/module. The participant's learnings also get reinforced by this kind of review. The game/exercise is a good energizer and it is quite participative. Refer:
57. Create Many Words from One Word
Basically this exercise is an exercise in creativity. As the program coordinator or workshop leader you can use this exercise in your sessions or modules on "creativity", "creativity and innovation" and similar other programs on the topics related to creativity and innovation. This exercise helps in stimulating the brains of the program participants and inculcating creative thinking in them. It is a kind of brainstorming exercise or brain teaser. The exercise is a good energizer and a warm up intervention. It can be used even as a good icebreaker. The exercise is carried out individually but the discussions post completion of exercise is quite participative. Refer:
58. Original Johari Window Game/Exercise
You, as a management trainer or workshop coordinator, can use that game with lots of advantage to your seminar/workshop participants. This exercise is best used to explain the concept and model "Johari Window". It is a very effective exercise on "self-awareness", "introspection" and "self-improvement". It explains the concepts of "feedback" and "disclosure" as well as the four well-known quadrants of Johari Window. The exercise is best suited for training programs titled "enhancing professional and personal effectiveness", "creativity unlimited", "personality development", "self-improvement", "Johari Window", "organizational development" etc. Refer:
59. The Strategist
“The Strategist” is a game cum role play. It is best suited for the program modules or sessions on “strategy management”, “business plans”, “investment decision”, “cash flow management”, “marketing management”, “product mix decisions” etc. In this exercise each participant of the workshop is made to play the role of a strategist for his company. Each participant plays the role of a director of a company and contributes in strategizing company’s future growth plans, investment and cash flow decisions, product mix decisions etc. Refer:
60. Energetic Fellowship
We are sure that you as an effective seminar coordinator or workshop leader will like your seminar participants to get to know each other before you start your serious stuff. And if you can make their mutual introductions a fun thing, you can be sure that you have given your program a brilliant start. The game recommended here is not only a great game for the initial exchange of greetings between the participants but it also serves as an excellent icebreaker and energizer/warm-up exercise. Refer:
61. Prisoners’ Dilemma
“Prisoners’ Dilemma” is an excellent game/exercise that can be used effectively in the sessions or modules on team work, team building, decision making, win-win approach, trust building, cooperation, communication etc. It is a participative game and is played between two groups. Refer:
62. Line Up by Birth Dates
You as seminar facilitator or workshop leader will find in this game the elements of an excellent group exercise, energizer and icebreaker. As a participative game you can administer it as an icebreaker at the start of your program or you can use it for your sessions/modules on strategy formulation, leadership, team work, coordination, communication and discipline. Refer:
63. Top Up Your Money
As a training facilitator or workshop/seminar leader, you can use this game in your programs/sessions on “system of interdependence”, “team work”, “team building”, “win-win approach”, “collaboration”, “cooperation”, “intra-group communication” etc. It is a group exercise and calls for the participation of all the attendees of the program. Refer:
64. Candy Treat
As an effective trainer or educator, you are always conscious and anxious about the following aspects:
Are your participants really learning in your program?
Are the participants retaining the learning?
Are they enjoying your training sessions?
Are they having fun learning?
How can you make them to participate more and more?
How can you involve all of them in the learning process?
How to keep the energy level in your seminar room all the time at the peak?
Here is a simple energizer called “Candy Treat” that you can use to meet the above-mentioned objectives. It is a good intervention for an effective program review. Refer:
65. Marooned on an Island
“Marooned on an Island” is an excellent exercise that you, as a workshop/seminar leader, can use in your programs, modules or sessions on “team work”, “team building”, “problem solving”, “creativity”, “group dynamics”, “group process”, “leadership”, “inter-group communication”, “conflict management”, “consensus building” etc. Refer:
66. Uncover Your Time Wasters
As trainers or seminar/workshop leaders, you can use this individual as well as participative exercise for your sessions/modules or programs on “time management”, “value adding management”, “effectiveness and efficiency improvement” etc. Rather than giving your participants a ready list of commonly known time wasters in one’s work place, allow the participants to introspect to uncover or discover their own time wasters. After they identify their time wasters you can ask them to work out their plan of action to minimize their time wasters. Refer:
67. Exercise in Why Why Analysis or 5 Whys Analysis
Many of you trainers may be engaged in conducting workshops/seminars on topics like “problem solving”, “root cause analysis”, “cause and effect relationship”, “quality circles”, “quality circle tools”, “total quality management (TQM)”, “total productive maintenance (TPM)”, “six sigma’” etc. In that case you must be including a session on “why why (5 whys) analysis in your training programs. Here is an exercise that you can give your participants to help them understand the concept/process of this technique and to get hands on experience in application of the technique. Refer:
68. Follow Me
This is a very simple exercise that lasts just a few minutes. Yet, the discussions that may follow the exercise may continue for much longer period resulting in great participation. Therefore, as a seminar or workshop leader you may use it as an opener or an icebreaker of your program. It will be handy also as an energizer whenever you find that your audience is becoming dull and you need to wake them up. You can as well use this group exercise in your modules or sessions on communication, listening, body language, team work etc. This exercise also emphasizes that action speaks louder than words. Refer:
69. Who Is The Best Observer?
As a training faculty or workshop leader you can use this particular exercise in your training programs on observation skills, memory enhancement, team work, effectiveness improvement, personal and professional improvement etc. The exercise provides experiential learning. It is a combination of individual and group exercise. Refer:
You can visit the URLs (links) given below to know more about the above-mentioned games. The games are described in great details to facilitate the readers to learn the step by step ways of administering the games. and
For More Guidance, Assistance, Training and Consultation
Training on all the soft skills and various management topics is imparted by Prodcons Group's Mr Shyam Bhatawdekar and/or Dr (Mrs) Kalpana Bhatawdekar, the renowned management educationists and consultants and trainers- par excellence with distinction of having trained over 150,000 people from around 250 organizations. Implementation of "Competency Matrix/Competency Mapping" is also facilitated by the team of Prodcons Group.
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Our Books Publications (Books authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar)
Own your copy/copies of the following bestseller books authored by eminent management gurus and consultants Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar:
1.HSoftware (Human Software) (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness) or HSoftware (Shyam Bhatawdekar’s Effectiveness Model)
2. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
3. Sensitive Stories of Corporate World (Management Case Studies)
4. Funny (and Not So Funny) Short Stories
5. Stress? No Way!! (Handbook on Stress Management)
You may like to go to the above-mentioned titles (web links) and order your copies on on Internet. The books are available in printed form and also as eBooks.
Persons residing in India may like to write to our email address and order your copies.




Training on all the soft skills and various management topics is imparted by Prodcons Group's Mr Shyam Bhatawdekar and/or Dr (Mrs) Kalpana Bhatawdekar, the renowned management educationists and consultants and trainers- par excellence with distinction of having trained over 150,000 people from around 250 organizations. Implementation of "Competency Matrix/Competency Mapping" is also facilitated by the team of Prodcons Group.
Also refer:,,
Our Books Publications (Books authored by Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar)
Own your copy/copies of the following bestseller books authored by eminent management gurus and consultants Shyam Bhatawdekar and Dr Kalpana Bhatawdekar:
1.HSoftware (Human Software) (The Only Key to Higher Effectiveness) or HSoftware (Shyam Bhatawdekar’s Effectiveness Model)
2. Classic Management Games, Exercises, Energizers and Icebreakers
3. Sensitive Stories of Corporate World (Management Case Studies)
4. Funny (and Not So Funny) Short Stories
5. Stress? No Way!! (Handbook on Stress Management)
You may like to go to the above-mentioned titles (web links) and order your copies on on Internet. The books are available in printed form and also as eBooks.
Persons residing in India may like to write to our email address and order your copies.


Aside from attending training program management courses, you could also benefit from learning from great books like the ones mentioned in this particular blog.